About Us
Youth Serving Organizations
Building strong coalitions, networks and partnerships to advocate for social, economical and political empowerment of young people in Kenya.
YSO Vision
Vision Statement
To create an environment where young people are committed to effective actions toward sustainable development for underprivileged communities.
YSO Value 1
Led by youth needs: The wishes of young people guide them in their daily work. They conduct needs assessment reports to coordinate community owned projects as dictated by the participating youths.
YSO Value 2
Open and inclusive: They respect multicultural, mutual understanding, inter-sectorial character and diversity principles. Multicultural and intercultural exchange is a path to their success.
YSO Value 3
Effective communication: They establish effective communication skills and collaborations among youth and the community that the organization serves. Effective communication is a key to their success.
YSO Value 4
Disadvantaged people are both powerful and creative: Through participatory methodologies, youth that are considered disadvantaged by traditional societal standards are encouraged to participate in creating positive change for themselves and their communities.
The Youth Serving Organizations Consortium is a network of youth groups, youth focused and youth serving organizations working both nationally and at community level. The consortium seeks to unify the diverse youth voices through strategic collaboration and partnerships with different stakeholders to ensure meaningful and inclusive youth participation in development processes. The Consortium was conceptualized in July 2019 when the youth entities identified a need to come together to harmonize their voice on the National Youth Council Amendment Bill 2019. Several youth entities had consultations with young people with divergent views which was a potential risk of not achieving the intended purpose.
Our Vision – To unify the diverse youth voices for social economic and political development.
Our Members